Stitches West 2014: Day 2

Ok! Day 2!

I had an all-day nuno felting class, taught by the irrepressible Judy Pascale.

We made scarves, laying wool roving on hand-dyed silk, then wetting and massaging and fiddling until it felted. Here’s mine, before and after:

I’m not super happy with how it turned out (I think it looks like leeches, and it shrank too much!) but it’s all a learning experience, right?

After class, my friend Erin and I went to the fashion show and dinner. There were some really stunning handknits on display, but you wouldn’t know it from this pic (I could see fine, it’s just the pic that makes it look small!)

I didn’t even get to the market today. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!

Thing-a-Week: bonus round

I know I said I was done and was going to be lazy for a while then do some longer-term projects, but inspiration struck and I did a Thing-like thing this week anyway. And it was too cute not to share. So, I give you Mr. LumpyBear, the tiny felted bear.

Mr. LumpyBear is needle felted using some of my dyed Romney wool, and sits at about 2.5 inches tall and less than a fifth of an ounce (5 grams). He’s a little lopsided, but how could you not love that face?

Tiny Bear

Say it with me: “Dawwwwwwwwwww.”

Thing-a-Week #19

Right. So, remember the tiny knitting I did last week? This is why I did it:

Thing a Week #19: Tiny Sheep

Yes, it’s a wee sheep. I made this for Ewenique because, well, she requested one! The sheep is made entirely of the Romney wool I processed last year, and I added the tiny knitting project from last week. She stands (er, sits) at about 3 inches tall. It was fun to make, if a bit fiddly because it’s so small. And I only bled once from stabbing myself with the felting needle this time! Go, me!

Thing a Week #19: Tiny Sheep

Thing-a-Week #8

I decided to return to felting this week, and made a sweet little snake. Don’t worry, he’s harmless.

Thing a Week #8: Snake

This was needle felted around a pipe cleaner with some of my dyed Romney wool.

Thing-a-Week #6

This week’s Thing is a joint venture between me and my mom. Since she was in town, I decided to break out an Artfelt kit I had sitting around. Together, we made this scarf.

Thing a Week #6: Artfelt Scarf

Unfortunately we didn’t have time to finish felting it before she left, so she didn’t get to see it in its full glory. Here you go, mom! You done good!

Thing-a-Week #1

Thing-a-Week is a challenge in which one produces one thing each week for a year: song, video, story, crafted item, whatever. Lots of people on the internet are doing it, and I’ve decided to follow suit.

I’ll be doing mine in the realm of fiber (knitting, spinning, felting, etc.), so every Sunday I’ll be posting some fibery thing I made that week. Could be big, could be small. Could be good, could be atrocious. Could be a part of a larger item, or a final piece. The only rule is that I have to start and finish it in that week. I have some doubts that I’ll make it a whole year, but I’m willing to give it a shot!

For my first Thing-a-Week, I present a needle-felted flower. I made this with some of my carded dyed Romney fleece.

Thing a Week #1: Flower


My post titles are devolving. I expect my next one will be a series of grunts.

If you remember from day 4 of Stitches West, I went to a needle felting class and made part of a sheep. This week, I finished the rest!







If you need me, I’ll be this puddle of goo in the corner.

Stitches West 2011: Day 4

Well, that’s it. It’s over. It was a jam-packed, exhausting time.

This morning I had a Farmyard Friends: Needle Felted Animals class with Sharon Costello. I made a sheep. Well, most of a sheep, since we ran out of time to finish.


Aren’t the samples cute?


After class, it was back to the market for last minute stuff and the grand prize drawing. Nothing really grabbed me except a couple of dizzes and buttons, and I didn’t win anything. What a drag.

Sherry was kind enough to drop me at the airport for my flight home, so here I sit, waiting for my flight.

I’m completely worn out, but I had a wonderful time. Thanks to all my great Northern California friends, you made me feel a part of the family. See you next year!