Charted Chicken Chart

Just a few weeks ago, I made and entered this chicken in a local knitted chicken contest at Renaissance Yarns, for LYS Tour 2009. Guess what? It won! All of the chickens were so wonderful, and I really had fun. Thanks to Renaissance Yarns and everyone who voted, and congrats to our local knitters for their beautiful entries.

(Update September 2009: it also won a ribbon at the Puyallup Fair!)

Blue Sky Alpacas “Knit Chickens” pattern by Susan B. Anderson, with chart modification by yours truly

Interestingly enough, the chicken has also become quite popular on Ravelry. As of this writing, its project page has had 2600 views and it’s been favorited 831 times. I’m a bit mystified, but I’m glad people like it. There has been some interest in the chart, so, as promised, I’m now making the chart available to the public.

Download the chart from Flickr

The chart is for personal use only. Please do not sell the chart or finished objects based on it.


  • This is the chart for my colorwork modification to the chicken body only. For the chicken pattern itself, you must purchase the printed Blue Sky Alpacas “Knit Chickens” pattern from a store. (Update: a PDF is now available for purchase at that link.)
  • The chart is 105 stitches wide and 41 rows high, which will work with the small chicken in the Knit Chickens pattern, or any item of similar size.
  • The chart assumes that the start of the round is in the back. If you do apply this to the chicken pattern, you’ll have to knit some extra stitches to move the start of the round to the back, then move it again to its original location when you get to the neck.
  • The front and back center stitches are noted by green lines in the chart.
  • If you are knitting this in the round (as you would for the chicken pattern), you can try some jogless joins in the back as you move to each new row. It won’t line up perfectly, but it should smooth it out. Can you find the heart?
  • Some of the floats may be long, which can affect tension. You may have to experiment to keep them under control.

That’s it. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me at ellemennop (at) live (dot) com. Enjoy!

Note to shop owners, teachers, knitalong organizers, and others:
If you want to use my chart for your activity, please do the following:

  • First credit Susan B. Anderson for the Blue Sky Alpacas pattern, with instructions or suggestions about how to buy it.
  • Then credit me, Michelle Mooney, for the charted colorwork, and link to this post to obtain the chart.
  • If you use images, I prefer that you use a picture of your own charted chicken, and include a picture of a chicken from the base pattern (BSA stock photo, if permitted, or your own).
  • If you want to use my photo, or distribute printed copies of my chart directly, please contact me at ellemennop (at) live (dot) com.
  • Any of my photos must be credited to me, and the chart must remain as-is, with notices intact.

Thanks very much!

see this project on ravelry

About Elle
May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?

13 Responses to Charted Chicken Chart

  1. beppie says:

    the link to the download patteren is no longer availeble. is there an other way to became the pattern

  2. Yarniac says:

    This is such a delightful chicken; thanks so much for sharing your chart! I have just cast on to make one; I hope it turns out half as well.

  3. Pingback: Knitted chicken in pattern to look like a Plymouth Barred Rock

  4. Laura says:

    You can buy the pdf of the chicken pattern off blue sky alpaca’s website now.

    Thanks for the chart! How did you make it? Do you have some kind of software or something for that purpose?

    • Elle says:

      Cool, that’s good to know!

      No, I just made up a grid in CorelDraw and filled in the squares, then exported to gif. Not super efficient, but it works. :)

  5. Yavanna Reynolds says:

    This is so cute! Great idea! I will probably knit some of these up for my MIL for a present :)

  6. I. M. says:

    Ooh, this is really wonderful!

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing the colorwork chart for your chicken. You did an amazing job with the evocation of feathers. I will be watching your projects on Ravelry for future innovations. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Michelle says:

    This chart is a modification to a separate pattern. You\’ll need to buy the Blue Sky Alpacas "Knit Chickens" pattern to make the chicken itself. You use all of the instructions from that pattern, except instead of doing stripes for the body, you knit this chart.To my knowledge, the chicken pattern is only available in printed form. You can get it from an LYS or have it mailed to you from an online store. You can find a list of Blue Sky retailers through the link in the notes.

  9. anam says:

    hey.. this chicken is soo cute! im sort of a beginner, so are there any notes about how to make the head and tail and stuff?

  10. Michelle says:

    To be honest, I made it up. I didn\’t look at any chickens (real or otherwise). I just sketched it out and charted it up. :)

  11. L says:

    Wow you made a Plymouth Barred Rock or is it a Exchequer Leghorn or a Cuckoo Maran or a black and white cochin? What variety inspired you?

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